It’s a question I often see being asked every time a video or headline comes to my attention thanks to the latest illegal or legal invader committing a crime against their host nation’s citizens:
Why are they here?
It’s a question, I believe, that should be ingrained upon the psyche of all alienated patriots everywhere as every strand of foreign chaos—imported or so-called “homegrown”—is forever encouraged by way of still-ongoing mass migration, two-tier policing policies, and, if we’re all being completely honest, outright treason driven by a seemingly never-ending supply of establishment elites who care not one jot for the safety and security of law-abiding, native citizens.
Ideally, but perhaps already the case, a secondary question must also burn itself into the British and European zeitgeist the more often innocent people across our ancestral lands have to endure the grave indignity of suffering so bloody needlessly:
How much longer will we put up with this?
In just a few days alone I have had the misfortune of stumbling upon two examples of wholesale foreign degeneracy afforded to both British and Spanish nationals, alike, although sadly, of course, one can think of hundreds of varying criminal degree to make the same point be it terrorism, industrial rape, fraud, drug-running etc. etc.
The first example came just three days ago in regard to a 37-year-old mother-of-three who worked as an NHS nurse who died of cardiac arrest after being “orally raped” four times as she lay unconscious on a park bench in the vicinity of Southall Park, Ealing, as per the Daily Mail.
The accused, Mohamed Lidow, 35, presumed in some reports to have “no fixed address”, was arrested in August 2021 but only charged with the rape and manslaughter of the victim, Natalie Shotter, in December last year, something, extraordinarily, he denies as being “consensual” despite compelling CCTV footage shown in court against him that suggests otherwise. His trial at the Old Bailey, the land’s highest court, continues.
Following further recent news that Britain is now home to the “most illegal migrants in Europe”, according to an Oxford University-led study which found that 1 in 100 foreign migrants are in the country illegally, it should be noted in no uncertain terms that Southall itself remains one of the country’s most-heavily ghettoised “Asian” towns (that is people of Indian, Bangladeshi, Pakistani or Chinese heritage) with all five of its adjoining suburbs (Southall West, Southall Park, Southall Green East, Southall Green West and Southall North) making up five of London’s top ten most “diverse” areas whereby 69.9 to 78.8 per cent of inhabitants describe themselves as Asian.
Conversely, UK 2021 census maps from the Office of National Statistics detail a strikingly different picture in regard to white-centric populations in the very same suburbs who make up just 4 to 10.3 per cent of all residents across Southall—some of the lowest rates across the capital, and the country.
Indeed, in the case of Southall, and London at-large, in fact, where the popular political platitude of “diversity is our strength” is concerned, the word “diversity” simply means “anyone who isn’t white”, thereby offering no actual delivery of diversity at all.
Such an insultingly racist phrase to the wider white population should also be regarded as one of the greatest oxymorons of our time—with emphasis on the -moron for anyone who may still say it with any sense of inner pride.
To Spain we go for our second example, which cropped up on my radar this morning, where video of a supposed 31-year-old Ecuadorian man was posted to various social media channels to show him slapping the face of a one-year-old girl in the Montjuïc Hill region of Barcelona as the girl’s family walked through the park.
As local media reports went onto claim, the perpetrator allegedly “assaulted two other people over the weekend before he was arrested by cops on Sunday”.
Like London, then, another of Europe’s cultural capitals like Barcelona faces its own societal breakdown; compared to the rest of Spain, whilst still perceived to be one of the continent’s “safest” cities, domestically, Catalonia’s prime tourist hotspot accounts for the highest tallied levels of crime throughout the country on every metric.
But whatever you do, don’t dare mention that Barcelona’s record population of foreign nationals, as recorded by its city council from August 2023, has anything to do with its rampant problems with crime, as a clear-cut El Nacional article headline alluded to early last year when they asked:
In what realm is any of this moral collapse acceptable?
Although one undoubtedly already understands, examples of out-of-control migrant crime is happening to such an extent across the continent that to say so is no longer “conspiracy” (if it ever was), but fact.
As Telegraph data analysis recently discovered from 26 of 43 police forces in England and Wales, despite migrants being minority members of the population as a whole,
Foreign nationals are up to twice as likely to be arrested on suspicion of committing crime as Britons
As for conspiracies, ironically the only ones that appear to actually exist are those created by the state themselves, as the UK Government, the Telegraph goes onto outline, “does not publish an analysis of migrant crime data.”
As smoke and mirrors go, such cover-up tactics have been the pièce de résistance of Britain and EU-member states across the board for years—and we all know why.

So desperate to reverse course have some member states become, for instance, that once-open doors, formerly self-described “feminist” social democracies such as Sweden (yes, the onetime Green Party deputy prime minister once broke down in tears whilst announcing anti-asylum policies back in 2015), are now governed by a liberally-conservative “Moderate Party”—in alliance with increasingly popular “anti-immigration” parties—who now pay migrants to leave the country.
Curiously, when it comes to Sweden, specifically, the former poster child for a “Refugees Welcome” European revolution, never was there a more glaring political U-turn in car-crash real-time over the course of just one decade for the type of policies, and their vast criminal consequences, that pro-mass migration, “social justice” slop was always destined to produce.
Still, there is much to be learnt.
In a week where record numbers of foreign-born men have broken into the borders of Great Britain illegally in one single day at the behest of a flailing Labour government who continue to pro-actively allow its already-violent anti-western enemies from within to wave terrorist paraphernalia and chant for murder on its own streets, I put to you directly, when could there possibly be a more appropriate time to ask,
Why are they here?
Truly, there isn’t. That time is now.